a HISTORY OF leadershipCurrent leadership teamIn the absence of a resident minister, a cohesive leadership team is important to our congregational health, vitality, and purpose.
Our leaders include: • The Worship Guild • Our Staff • Our Board of Trustees • Our Program Committees Each person plays a vital role in the shared ministry of our church. THE WORSHIP GUILD In the absence of a resident minister, while the UCSI Search Committee has been interviewing candidates, the five-member Worship Guild has been organizing and presenting Sunday Services. These services are led by guest ministers and lay members of the community with experience in various areas of social justice and spiritual practice. OUR STAFF
Director of Music, CAROLYN CLARK, D.M.A., (above) holds a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from the Manhattan School of Music. As a French hornist, she has performed throughout the US and Canada. She is Executive Director of the Staten Island Philharmonic and a Staten Island Advance 2014 Women of Achievement award recipient.
Church Administrator, TBA Email at [email protected]. Building Superintendent, DEBRA MONTE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2024 - 2025 President TBD Vice President Benjamin Maxwell Secretary Carol Lodato Treasurer Susan Flynn Trustees SallyJones, Bonnie Will-Almeleh, Michael Esposito COMMITTEES Committees form the backbone of our congregational life. You are warmly invited to participate in the committees, except as noted. For information about a committee and how to become a member, or to express a concern in a particular committee's area of interest, please contact us. |
A PROUD AND LIBERAL HistorySince its founding by Transcendentalists almost a hundred and fifty years ago, our church has had a proud and liberal heritage.
During the mid-nineteenth century, the population of Staten Island numbered just over 15,000, with many newcomers from New England settling on the North Shore in Stapleton and New Brighton. On October 24, 1852, two congregations of liberal Christians, the New Brighton group known as the Congregational Church of the Evangelists and the United Independent Church of Stapleton, incorporated in what then became the Church of the Redeemer. Both founding members, George Francis Shaw and George William Curtis, were New England Transcendentalists. They were influenced by the Boston Unitarian ministers, William Ellery Channing and Theodore Parker. Channing and Parker were considered radical by contemporary New England Unitarians, yet the Transcendentalist values they embraced remain surprisingly modern: dedication to racial and gender equality, and social justice. Two famous quotes by prominent Americans that are derived from sermons by Parker: Martin Luther King, "The arc of the moral universe..." and Abraham Lincoln: "...government of the people, by the people, for the people..," espouse the deep beliefs of Transcendentalism. Its influence on the Unitarian Church of Staten Island, stretches in an unbroken line from the abolition of slavery to the Black Lives Banner that hangs on the exterior wall of our Parish Hall. Our leaders and members have included civil rights activists, champions of women's suffrage and women's liberation; antiwar and antinuclear activists. In 2005, our membership voted unanimously to become a Welcoming Congregation, opening our hearts to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities. The Unitarian Church of Staten Island is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Unitarian Universalism is the result of the merger of two separate denominations: Unitarianism and Universalism. |